3D Printed Camera arm V2
with all the bells and whistles
with all the bells and whistles
with all the bells and whistles
Included in this download are all the stl files for all of the parts that i used to make my latest version of the studio camera arm.
also included are the Bambulab slice files for all of the parts with the settings that I used to print them.
There are also versions with and without the locking feature, and a wide range of sizes for both the extrusion connector pieces and the counterweight.
For the base there are both dimensioned drawings, print out templates and a dxf file for the cnc.
PLEASE NOTE, this is still a challanging project, and this download does not include a step by step assembly guide. Mostly it’s just the files and a list of the parts you need.
I’ve tried to show most of the steps in relative detail in the video so go check that out if you’re stuck at any point.
You can also build this as tall or short and with as much or little reach as you want, and all of the parts will allow for that. But You’ll have to reduce or increase the amount of conecting pieces and counterweight tube sections. (all of these parts are included)
Thank you for all of your support <3 Adn good luck building :)